Lifting Weights is for Everyone

Hello and here we go!!

To this day, lifting weights is a somewhat controversial topic. It’s often confused with weightlifting, which is a specific sport consisting of the clean and jerk and the snatch. Today, we’re going to put all of this to bed, and hopefully it doesn’t get up in the night to go pee.

Lifting weights isn’t just for professional athletes, bodybuilders and gym rats. Every single human has a body that contains bones, joints and muscle. When you lift weight, you strengthen both your skeletal structure (keeping your bones nice and dense) and break down muscle tissue so that it can grow back stronger. This helps you develop lean body mass, which makes it easier and easier to maintain or lose weight. You also stretch and strengthen your joints by moving them through a full range of motion, as well as developing the muscles that support them. Lifting weights makes you more robust and less likely to get sick, plus it’s been shown to boost confidence and make participants feel more empowered in their day-to-day life.

Physiological benefits aside, it is also SO much easier to move through life if you’re strong. Everyday tasks get easier and easier if you lift weights. Bringing groceries in the house, carrying bags upstairs, picking up kids, picking up your dog to take them to the vet, whatever it might be! Obstacles in your day just don’t take as much out of you.

There is no debate at this point. It doesn’t matter your age, gender, sex or starting point; everyone benefits from this type of exercise. It has been proven time and time again that lifting weights keeps you young longer, helps your body function better, and can even make positive impacts on mental health. If you want to lift weights, but don’t know where to start, hit that contact me button and let’s talk about it!


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